God writes a lot of comedy... the trouble is, he's stuck with so many bad actors who don't know how to play funny. - Garrison Keillor

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Sudden Gratitude

Final break has begun but only for a week. Whyyy??? I want it to be two weeks. I want to rest more. 

I got extremely busy during the study week and the exam week with unfinished assignments and last minute revisions. I'm not sure how that would affect my result. I try not to psyche myself out with unnecessary thoughts. I know I'd not given my best because I didn't really study. I just have to wait for the result to come out. I keep saying to myself that it's okay to make mistakes and it's not wrong being imperfect sometimes. I do pressure myself to be this so-called-perfectionist and it stresses me out. I hate being so uptight because it suffocates me. So, now I try to more lenient and forgiving to myself, enjoying what life it's all about. 

Thank God for great people around me. Just being there physically for me has help me a lot in coping with new situations and somehow help to discover the other side of me. I didn't know I mean so much to them. I'm blessed with these kind of people and I never regret anything. Every single moment spent with them is priceless. Even if I die tomorrow, I'll die happy. And yeah that's kind of an overstatement. But really, I want to say thank you to them for just being there for me. 

The reason I'm saying all of that it is not because I've been through a rough patch or what. It is because I realised that there are much more that what life has been advertised. Even the simplest thing, brings smile to my face. 

So, thank you. :)

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