God writes a lot of comedy... the trouble is, he's stuck with so many bad actors who don't know how to play funny. - Garrison Keillor

Friday, July 13, 2012

Ah, July~

It is July already. I hadn't write anything in June even though there are events that worth to write about. It is not because I don't want to write, it is because I didn't know how to begin. I don't want to write as if I'm an immature teen. I need a bit sophistication in my writings. I always read others' blogs and their writings are amazing compare to me. Maybe it is because due to my lack of reading to expand my vocabulary and how things should be written. 

I used to read a lot during my teens but now I don't. I bought all these novels but I never touch them. I let them dusted over time. I love to read but my eyes don't. I can only spend 30 minutes worth of reading and that's it. My attention span is really really short as I'm getting older as well as my commitment to blogging is slowly fading. That's why I can't blog. 

Other factors that contribute to my lack of blogging :
  1. My dad conquers my laptop (he plays FB games everyday!)
  2. Writer's block (I dread this!)
  3. No privacy (too many people in this house~)
  4. Too many distractions and noises (haiyaaa.....)
  5. Simply because I'm lazy (hehe~)

Stupid excuses right? Oh well, I guess I definitely need to fix my bad habits and improve my writing skills. So, till next time~ :D

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